关于「 roll1ng」的内容列表

Zilliqa spin-off company Roll1ng Thund3rz CTO leaves

On September 9th, Zilliqa announced that Valentin Cobelea, the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of its Web3 game studio Roll1ng Thund3rz, is leaving. Kenny Creanor will take over the interim leadership role of the Roll1ng Thund3rz team and continue to advance its ambitious roadmap of revolutionizing the gaming industry with Web3 technology. Kenny has previously held various positions at Roll1ng Thund3rz and Zilliqa, most recently as Chief Developer. It is reported that Roll1ng Thund3rz's strategic...

2024-09-09 20:16:59
Zilliqa分拆公司Roll1ng Thund3rz CTO离职

9月9日消息,Zilliqa 宣布旗下 Web3 游戏工作室 Roll1ng Thund3rz 的首席技术官(CTO)Valentin Cobelea 即将离职,Kenny Creanor 将接任 Roll1ng Thund3rz 团队的临时领导职务,继续推进其利用 Web3 技术革新游戏行业的宏伟路线图。Kenny 此前在 Roll1ng Thund3rz 和 Zilliqa 担任过多个职位,最近的职务是首席开发人员。据悉,Roll1ng Thund3rz 的战略方向不会改变,公司将继续通过开发 Web3 领域的...

2024-09-09 20:16:59